Past meetings
2010: LipidomicNet and ENOR joint meeting; Munchen, 19-20 November (Organizing committee: L. Iuliano, M. Lagarde, G. Lizard, G. Schmitz, M. Wakelam)
2011: 1st ENOR Symposium; Rome, Italy, 22-24 September (local organization: L. Iuliano)
2012: 2nd ENOR Symposium; Dijon, France, 20-21 September (local organization: L. Bretillon, G. Lizard)
2013: 3rd ENOR Symposium; Swansea, UK, 19-20 September (local organization: WJ Griffiths)
2014: 4th ENOR Symposium; Coimbra, Portugal, 18-19 Septemeber (local organization: ML Sá E Melo)
2015: 5th ENOR Symposium; Bonn, Germany, 24-25 September (local organization: Dieter Lutjohann)
2016: 6th ENOR Symposium; Paris, France, 29-30 September (local organization: Charbel Massaad)
2017: 7th ENOR Symposium; Brussels, Belgium, 21-22 September (local organization: Giulio Muccioli)
2018: 8th ENOR Symposium, Bologna, Italy, 20-21 September (local organization: Maria Teresa Rodriguez Estrada and Vladimiro Cardenia)
2019: 9th ENOR Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19-20 September (local organization: Ruth Andrew, Mark Dixon and Natalie Homer)
(2020: postponed due to the COVID19 pandemic)
2021: 10th ENOR Symposium. The annual ENOR meeting was held September 16th-September 17th via Zoom, with talks and viewers from all over the world. Talks were both standard format, and also "rapid fire poster sessions". Download the program here. Peter Tontonoz (University of California, Los Angeles) and Jiang Xuntian (Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis). held plenary talks.
2022: 11th ENOR symposium. The annual ENOR meeting was in September via Zoom with the important contribution of young researchers for the technical management (Dr Hanne Røberg-Larsen, Norway; Dr James Thorne, UK), with talks and viewers from all over the world. Download the program here.
2023: 12th ENOR symposium; the annual ENOR meeting was held September 22th-September 23th at the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (IUCT Oncopole), France. The local organizers of the symposium ‘Importance of oxysterols in nutition, cancer and other degenerative diseases’ were Dr Marc Poirot, Dr Sandrine Silvente-Poirot, Dr Philippe de Medina, Prof. Fréderic Courbon and Prof Etienne Chatelut. Download the program here.
2024: 13th ENOR sympoosium; the annual ENOR meeting "Oxysterols and phytosterols in age-related disease and immune regulation" was held on Thursday 12th - Friday 13th September 2024, Nexus, University of Leeds Campus, Leeds, UK. The local organizers were : Dr James L Thorne (University of Leeds, UK), Dr Giorgia Cioccoloni (University of Leeds, UK), Ms Jenna King (University of Leeds, UK), Dr Hanne Røberg-Larsen (University of Oslo, Norway), Prof Jean-Marc Lobaccaro (Université Clermont Auvergne, France), Dr Irundika Dias (Aston University, UK). Download the program here.