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Group: Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Physiology. University of Navarra. Irunlarrea sn, 31008, Pamplona, Spain

Key members: Iciar Astiasarán, Diana Ansorena

Contact: Iciar Astiasarán  (


Research activities: The group is mainly focused on the assessment of sterol oxidation in foods and plasma. Also model systems using pure compounds and mixtures with food matrices are designed in order to better understand the factors and mechanisms implicated in these processes. Determination of both cholesterol oxides and plant sterol oxides are made by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry after purification with SPME columns. In addition to oxysterol analyses, and also in relation to lipid food and biological samples, detailed fatty acid profile in adapted to small amount of sample is also carried out in our laboratory.


Key papers related to ENOR:

Oxysterols formation: a review of a multifactorial process. Barriuso, B., Ansorena, D., Astiasarán, I. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2017,169: 39-45


Solanum sessiliflorum (mana-cubiu) antioxidant protective effect towards cholesterol oxidation: influence of docosahexaenoic acid.  Barriuso, B., Mariutti, L.R.B., Ansorena, D., Astiasarán, I., Bragagnolo, N. Europ J Lipid Sci Technol. 2016. 118(8): 1125-1131


Unsaturated lipid matrices protect plant sterols from degradation during heating treatment. Barriuso, B., Astiasarán, I., Ansorena, D. Food Chem. 2016, 196 (1):451-458


Cholesterol and stigmasterol within a sunflower oil matrix: thermal degradation and oxysterols formation. Barriuso, B., Ansorena, D., Poyato, C., Astiasarán, I. Steroids. 2015, 99: 155-160


Role of Melissa officinalis in cholesterol oxidation: antioxidant effect in model systems and application in beef patties. Barriuso, B., Ansorena, D., Calvo, M.I., Cavero, R.Y., Astiasarán, I. Food Research Int. 2015, 69: 133-140

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